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Karine Le Marchand at the Agricultural Show: "If I went into politics, it would be civil war in 3 days"

Karine Le Marchand at the Agricultural Show: "If I went into politics, it would be civil war in 3 days"

The host of "L'Amour est dans le pré", who assured that she had "taken note" of the apologies made to her the day before by Cyril Hanouna and specified that she was continuing her collaboration with M6, tested her popularity this Wednesday in the largest farm in France.

By Marie Poussel
Paris (15th), this Wednesday, February 26. "She takes several hundred selfies a day," says a member of Karine Le Marchand's team, visiting the Salon de l'agriculture. Agence 1827/RTL/Sébastien Toubon

In the front rows in front of the M6 ​​stand at theSalon de l'agriculture , Angelina, with tears in her eyes, waits for Karine Le Marchand , the star presenter of "L'Amour est dans le pré" , whose 20th season is currently being filmed for the Six. This Wednesday, this 41-year-old former human relations manager in the middle of a career change got up at 4 a.m. to catch a glimpse of "her female role model". Behind the barriers, the Sarthe native waits patiently, watching for a glimpse of her with a packet of macaroons, hidden in a pocket of her handbag. "I didn't have time to go and get her a bouquet of flowers, I'm sorry, I'll try to bring it to her tomorrow", she sighs, in tears.

Like Angelina, several hundred visitors threw themselves at the host, whose visit took on an air of triumph in the aisles of the Porte de Versailles, in Paris (15th). "I get my annual dose of love every time I come here," she jokes, in her high-pitched voice and her arms full of gifts. Experienced in this exercise for years, this new dive into farmland has a special flavor this year for Karine Le Marchand for two reasons.

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